Saturday, December 20, 2008

Upstate New York

Many residents of Upstate, New York argue that Kennedy does not fully understand their needs. While Kennedy certainly does understand the economic concerns of the area, she must be a vocal advocate on their behalf. If Kennedy continues to visit Upstate communities (recently she visited Rochester, Syracuse, and Buffalo), she will win support. 

On a separate note, Kennedy must remind New Yorkers that her legal experience gives her a great understanding for public policy formation. Kennedy is qualified, but she must show it. Instead of her listening tours, I recommend that she hold town hall meetings and create a political platform. Her key issues are healthcare and education reform, and she must emphasize her work in the education field. 


  1. I will talk with you on Monday about this.

  2. As a born and raised NY'er it is a pleasure to finally have for consideration of our senate seat a born citizen of the state. There is no better person then someone who knows how the people of NY live, think, and feel; and whose love and dedication is revealed by decades of work in the community without once ever asking for media attention. Caroline needs to start connecting with the citizens via small meetings in many cities and counties so her message can be a personal one and not misinterpreted by the gossipy unprofessional media. The media does not represent the people's voice and does not speak for them/us, Let's stop giving them too much power over politicians who refused a tabloid forum in a street corner or in front of a building as a means to connect with the public. Caroline when they ask you again if you think you are ready and your not experienced, look them in the eye and say "Why not? Did you asked this of Bill Bradley or any other politican who wanted the seat? Are you happy with every "experienced senator?" Tell them what you are is PRODUCTIVE! That is what a senate seat needs a productive person not a person experience in the game of politics to nowhere!

    What is experience if all prior representatives and senators never made any permanent changes that affect every citizen for the better? As far as I know the same issues reappear on the platform every four-six years indicating nothing was every done to find a solution. If we look at the current conditions of our government how on Earth did we reached this crisis with our supposed "experienced" politicians? If this is experience, I perfer dedication, honesty, public service, and a productive public servant such as Mrs. Caroline Kennedy Schlossburg. You will do well Caroline, and if they ask you why now tell them WHY NOT?
